Lime Crime - Milky Ways and First Post

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hi. Hello. Welcome to Streets Ahead Style!! A blog about fashion, beauty, style, and all that good stuff!

Two sisters just having fun and making use of the makeup they've accumulated over the years.

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First up is a quite recent addition to our nail polish collection: Lime Crime's Milky Ways from the Les Desserts d'Antoinette Collection.

This was a gift from my fabulous sister and co-author.

I absolutely love it and feel that i have finally found the perfect white nail polish to appease my yearnings.

diffused flash

I've always loved white nail polishes but find that they can sometimes be a little garish and resemble the look of Wite-Out on the nails (I never understood why kids did that or was that only at my elementary school?).

Lime Crime is, in my personal opinion, the quintessential white nail polish because it is in fact it is an off-white.

As the name suggests, Milky Ways is a rather milky white and is therefore much more appealing on the nails.

natural light

It's definitely a sophisticated nail polish but it has a warmth to it that prevents it from being taken too seriously ;)

I have to admit as much as I love the shade, I'm not 100% in love with the formula. I find it can be a little bit on the thick, streaky side. It's opaque in two coats but the next time I apply it I'd possibly go with three. The application of a top coat does smooth things out so maybe that can be overlooked.

Awesome sticker!! 
If you're in the market for a white nails polish but have been a little wary of whites in the past you might want to give Milky Ways a go! And it's a vegan nail polish, as with all Lime Crime products, so you can't go wrong with that!

If you're Canadian like us you can purchase Lime Crime nail polishes from Harlow & Co.

And if you're neither living in Canada nor the U.S.A, Lime Crime's website provides retail options for you too!

2025 © Caitlin Swatches - indie nail polish blog. Design by FCD.