A few posts back we teased you with some bottle shots of Shleee Polishes (here), specifically the YES Collection. Well here is Starship Trooper in action! If these pictures can convince you of the beauty of this polish then you're in luck because it's still in stock on her Etsy store!
Hurry - RUN! We will wait for you to place your order ;)
Hurry - RUN! We will wait for you to place your order ;)
I don't really know how or where to begin to describe the beauty of this polish. Starship Trooper is described as follows: This polish features matte green moons with blue and green glitters in a holo/iridescent base. This polish glints lavender, pink, blue, and of course green depending on the light. I might have only used it as an accent nail but I couldn't stop staring at my ring finger.
I initially paired Starship Trooper with OPI Stranger Tides, then a few days later, not wanting to take Starship Trooper off, I painted the rest of my nails with Revlon Top Speed Emerald. Starship Trooper wears incredibly well - it's one of the smoothest, flat-laying glitters I have ever worn. The glitters come out without any fishing at all, application is a breeze (I didn't even have to use the dabbing method!!). I cannot recommend Shleee Polish enough. YOU NEED THIS POLISH!
It is almost impossible to capture the beauty of this polish in pictures but I think these pictures give a pretty good sense of the iridescence and shimmer that makes Starship Trooper so uniquely gorgeous. I've said it like 98345 times in this post already but you really need to try this polish. My little Shleee Polish army is growing and it's no wonder because Ashley's polishes are OUT OF THIS WORLD!
P.S. Did you notice that our blog has a new look? We are absolutely LOVING the amazing new header and sidebar goodies that Dinosaur Stew created for us. Our blog feels so fancy now :)
L-R: OPI Stranger Tides, Shleee Polish Starship Trooper, Revlon Emerald |
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