Pardon the deep breathing. I'm still hyperventilating over this Glisten & Glow polish from the April 2017 Holo Hookup box. The polishes in this April box were themed around Bucket Lists and the maker behind Glisten & Glow, Jill, chose mountain climbing. I have a growing bucket list. There's nothing too wild like mountain climbing on it. I just decided this past weekend that I want to ride the Whirlpool Aero Car across the Niagara Whirlpools. I will probably have my eyes closed the whole time but I would like to try it out. YOLO and stuff, right?
A Little More Altitude is a light lilac linear holographic with flashes of blue and purple shimmers and a dazzle of silver holo micro glitters. It's is SO. FREAKING. SPARKLY. I have always been a fan of lilac holos ever since I tried Enchanted Polish Love the Way You Lilac back in 2013. This is a lilac holo on steroids though - the sparkle and shimmers are out of this world. It's definitely my favorite Glisten & Glow to date.
I am wearing 2 easy coats plus 2 layers of top coat. The one downside to this polish, which is by no means a deal breaker, is that it's a bit gritty from all the microglitters. I'm being a bit of a princess about that but it's so perfect in every other respect that I wanted it to be 110% perfect in every single way. This is more about my own expectations than the polish. I used to wear super chunky glitters all the time but now I hate those and begrudge wearing more than one coat of top coat. Life's hard, I know.
This is a magical nail polish fit for a unicorn and I'm in love with it. I will wear it again and again until the bottle is used up and I cry because it was LE and I can't find a replacement. Sometimes that happens. Nevertheless, I strongly suggest you find yourself a bottle and wear the crap out of it.
The glitters are practically JUMPING OFF MY NAIL. Can you see it?! I feel like there is some iridescence in the polish but maybe that's just the way the shimmers and microglitters play together or maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. At any rate, I'm obsessed and a massive fan. Every time I try a new Glisten & Glow polish, I fall more deeply in love with Jill's creations.
You can purchase The Holo Hookup box here from the 21-28 of each month. Stay up to date by following The Holo Hookup on Facebook.
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