A Visit to the Glossier Toronto Shop

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Glossier! Oh the hype! And here in Toronto! Of course I had to go and check it out. 

Glossier Toronto Shop

Yes, that was the lineup to get into the popup on a fine Sunday afternoon in September. The Glossier Popup was located at 1056 Queen St. West and was only open for a week. I probably chose one of the busiest and hottest days to visit but it was fun to see their offerings in person after seeing so much hype about Glossier online. 

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First of all, I have to give credit where credit is due... Glossier knows how to market and advertise and create really amazing looking products. I've only just started to try out the products I purchased (which you can see below) but they aren't anything exceptional even though they are good. The products aren't super clean or green but at least they are cruelty free. And some are even vegan (see list below from the Velvet Report):

Perfecting Skin Tint
Soothing Face Mist
Mega Greens Galaxy Pack
Milky Jelly Cleanser
The Supers
Generation G
Lip Gloss
Invisible Shield SPF 35

Glossier Toronto Shop

I had to try the Glossier Birthday Balm Dotcom which has the prettiest and subtlest silver glitter. It smells heavenly and the packing is holographic so it was made for me. The packing really got me... I mean, look at that bag!

Glossier Toronto Shop

My haul is below and thankfully there was a discount offered at the popup shop. I got the Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser, a trio of Balm Dotcoms (Cherry, Birthday and Mint), and the Mask Duo (Mega Greens Galaxy Pack and Moisturizing Moon Mask). 

Glossier Toronto Haul Shop

Glossier ships to Canada for free when you purchase two or more items. While there were rumors swirling about a Glossier Toronto shop (a permanent one), they are just rumors for now. Though, let's be real... it's happening. And sooner rather than later, I am sure.

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