My Indie Polish Canadian Winter June 2019 Polish Pickup Weather

Friday, May 31, 2019

Provided for review

Has My Indie Polish got a baby blue for you! For the Weather Phenomena Polish Pickup, My Indie Polish has created Canadian Winter (just the thought of Winter right now makes me want to cry). Let's check out this shimmery blue!

My Indie Polish Canadian Winter is a baby blue with a heavy gold shimmer. Tanya says, "It reminds me of the weird days that we get in Canada when it’s just starting to get dark can you get that golden sky that means snow is coming." I am wearing two coats plus top coat. I would recommend using as few brush strokes as possible when applying so as to minimize the brush stroke-yness of the finish. It's a lovely blue! This one will be $12 USD with no caps on either site. 

Each month, The Pickups will bring you a variety of polishes and handmade items from indie makers based on a theme chosen by customers. The Pickups are live the first Friday at 11 AM EST of each month and the shop stays open for four days through the following Monday at Midnight EST. The polishes and items are exclusive to The Pickups for each month.  

All products are pre-ordered (capped or uncapped) and will ship a minimum of 3 weeks after sale commencement. The Pickups ship for a flat fee of $3 in the US and $5 to Canada. Shipping to European countries is available through The Pickups UK website. The Pickups will combine orders placed over the four day sale period. This will happen automatically when shipping begins and you will then receive your shipping overage refunds. 

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