My Indie Polish Talks A Lot Hella Handmade Creations September 2019 Swatches

Monday, September 9, 2019

Provided for review

My Indie Polish is killing it with their polishes lately! For the upcoming Hella Handmade Creations shop, Tanya is continuing her My Little Pony series with another stunning polish. You know I love me some flakies and this polish delivers. There is a cap on this polish so grab it as fast as you can on September 14. Now, let's check this baby out!

My Indie Polish Talks A Lot ($12 USD, 15 mL) is inspired by My Little Pony. This polish is denim-y purple with lots of shimmer and shine with multi-coloured flakies. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS ONE. Also, Talks A Lot is kind of me. I talk a lot so this feels fitting. Two coats for a perfect smooth finish and top coat to seal in the shine. As always, My Indie Polish has a great formula and Talks A Lot is no exception. The base colour is incredibly unique and as a purple/blue lover, this one makes me swoon.

Capped at 40 bottles.

For the new Hella Handmade Creations format, each maker picks a theme that they will follow for the next few months. Tanya of My Indie Polish has signed on to do a series for HHC inspired by My Little Pony (the original series!). The launch for the new format will be the 14th of each month at 12:01 AM EST and the shopping window is seven days, ending on the 21st at 11:59PM Hawaii time. The will be a pre-order each month and the expected TAT is 3-4 weeks after the shop closes for the month.

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