Well, aren't I glad they did!!!
This facial cleanser is an all natural cleanser for all skin types that really works! It contains micro-particles yet, it is very gentle; having said that, if you do have really dry skin it might not be the most suitable for you as anything with an exfoliant, no matter how micro, can be drying. I have very temperamental skin so I have been using it only in the evening and then my regular facial soap in the morning, this seems to combat any potential dryness that might be caused, especially with it being winter and all.
I have been using the Sibu facial cleanser for about six weeks now and I can honestly say it's a wonderful product. The first night I used it I could see and feel the difference it made to my skin. My mom was with me at the time and we were both kind of freaking out over how nicely it made my skin glow - it was seriously radiant. I'm still only using it in the evening but I do know for sure that it's Sibu that's making the difference to my skin. It feels softer and looks more even. I have been using Tactu (or Epiduo in the USA) for acne for the past 16 months however I lessened my usage of it significantly once I began using Sibu because I didn't want to parch my skin. I have had fewer pimples than I have had in a long time and I contribute that to the Sibu cleanser. I don't have severe acne but before Tactuo, and now Sibu, there wasn't a time when I didn't have multiple pimples on my face.
The Sea Buckthorn Balancing Facial Cleanser has a wonderfully refreshing citrus scent that is nice and light, not overpowering. It says that it is non-foaming but I do find it foams a little, nothing major and it definitely isn't a problem for me but just a heads up if you don't like any foaming action at all.
Extra good things: Sibu Beauty is cruelty free and vegan plus the sea buckthorn is a fair trade product :)
Overall, I think this facial cleanser is a GREAT product!! It really does do everything it claims - it's gentle and it makes my skin look and feel radiant which I suppose is due to the fact that it removes excess oil and impurities. Also, it isn't super expensive; granted, it's pricier than something from the drugstore, but I was bracing myself when I looked up the price on their website and I was pleasantly surprised - it's $17.95. I definitely think I'll be picking up another bottle when I finish this sample.
* This product was provided for review by Sibu Beauty however the review contains my unbiased opinion on said product.
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