Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Are there any Stranger Things fans in the house? I watched a few episodes but didn't get sucked in enough to continue watching. Please don't hate me. I am just the pickiest person when it comes to TV shows. And movies. And music. And fashion. And nail polish. Oh, but not food! As long as it's vegan I'll eat it. 

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

Blue nails! It's been a while. This here is Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door is a navy-black jelly with turquoise and green-to-indigo duochrome microflakes. I am wearing two coats plus top coat. The formula on this is amazing. It feels like home when I wear a BEGL nail polish - from the finish, to the application, to the colours... I love it all. I don't think my pictures are the best of this nail polish but it's very shifty and dark and mysterious. It's also elegant for those very reasons. It is dark enough and the sparkle is very subdued but it's there. And, best of all, the shimmer you see in the bottle shows on the nail. Woohoo!

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

Oh, and if you like this... it's still available for sale. Julie is on maternity leave but should be back with the shop this month. So, keep your eyes peeled for the shop re-opening and some new polishes.

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Curiosity Door

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