Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Siren's May Bouquet

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ahhhh... where have I been? I've been super busy with work and life. I have been taking a course for work in the evenings so that's one less night for blogging/painting my nails. But, I have a Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer for you and for nostalgia's sake. When I don't know what to paint my nails... I always pick a BEGL and it never lets me down.

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Siren's May Bouquet

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Siren's May Bouquet

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Siren's May Bouquet is a milky lilac jelly packed with iridescent rainbow flakes. I am wearing three coats plus top coat. This wasn't the easiest polish to work with. It was a tad too thick yet I needed three coats so I might need to thin it a bit next time I wear it. I love how delicate it is and the rainbow flakes really show up. It's a very fun polish and perfect for Spring days. It's also a flattering lilac for me and that makes me super happy.

This polish was released in 2016 as part of the LE numbered Siren series so it's no longer available. Sorrrrrry.

Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Siren's May Bouquet

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